Assembly3 AxialMove/pl

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Other languages:

Assembly3 AxialMove

Menu location
Assembly3 → Axial move part
Default shortcut
A then A
Introduced in version
See also


The Axial move command provides a tool to move a part within an assembly context.
It consists of 3 arcs with spherical handles to rotate the part and 3 arrow handles to move the part without rotation which represent the selected object's implicit coordinate system (ICS).


  1. Select either a face, an edge, or a vertex of the 3D part or the whole part in the assembly tree.
  2. Activate the Axial move command using one of the following:
    • The Axial move part button.
    • The Assembly3 → Axial move part menu option.
    • The keyboard shortcut: A then A.
  3. Drag the handles to reposition the part.
  4. To fix the position and leave the tool use one of the following:
    • The Esc key.
    • The OK button in the Tasks panel.